To remove one or more leading zeros from the string eg. convert 0040 into 40:
import re
oldstring = '0040'
newstring = re.sub(r"\b0{2}","",oldstring)
To remove different number of zeros change the number in {} in the code.
Better way:
import re
oldstring = '0040'
newstring = re.sub("^0+","",oldstring)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Python - remove leading zeros
Friday, August 6, 2010
Checking ntfs partition on linux
Use ntfsfix application from ntfs-3g package eg.:
$ sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdc1
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Python - get date and time
To get current date and time:
from time import strftime
strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
'2010/07/28 21:50:30'
Format drive to ntfs in Ubuntu
If you want to format eg. external usb drive to NTFS in Ubuntu you can use gparted. You will also need ntfsprogs package:
sudo apt-get install gparted ntfsprogs
Python - replace character in a string
To replace a character("a") in a string with the other one ("b"):
s = s.replace('a', 'b')
Linux - finding last reboot/shutdown time
To find last reboot time:
last reboot | less
To find last shutdown time:
last -x | grep shutdown | less
Python and config file parser
Very useful Python module for parsing config files:
ssh access using public and private keys
- Generate a key pair on your machine:
$ ssh-keygen
Enter the name of the files with the keys and passphrase (not necessary). - Add your public key to the list of authorized keys on the remote machine:
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@machine "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
- Set permissions on the remote machine:
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Tracking changes between file revisions in CVS
- To check file history (and revisions):
$ cvs log filename - To compare two revisions (REV1 and REV2) of the file:
$ cvs diff -u -r REV1 -r REV2 filename
Passing arguments to awk from shell
To pass argument SHELLARGUMENT to awk from a shell do:
$ awk -v x="$SHELLARGUMENT" '{print x}'
awk -v x="$SHELLARGUMENT" '{print x}'
diff print only unmatched lines
To print only unmatched lines from file2:
$ diff file1 file2 | grep ">" | awk -F '>' '{print $2}'
Loop over a files in directory in shell
for f in `ls`
echo “Processing $f file …”
#Here you can put your commands
You can loop over files with specific names changing ls to ie. ls *.txt etc.
Awk - powerful tool
Awk is a scripting language that can be used in shell. Please find here some examples:
- We've got a file that contains lines and columns (separated with spaces). We want to print only the contents of 3rd column.
cat file.txt | awk '{print $3}'
- Print last column:
cat file.txt | awk '{print $NF}'
$NF means for awk the last argument (here: column) - Print the first expression before '/' sign:
cat file.txt | awk -F '/' '{print $1}'
Using -F option you can set different separators for awk arguments. - Another example. Printing last column + some text before it + some text after:
cat file.txt | awk '{print "cp /home/"$1" "$1}'
If you have filenames from /home directory in the file.txt this will prepare copying those file to current directory.
Grep: get patterns from a file
Having a list of patterns in patternsfile and needed to search for those patterns in datafile use:
$ grep -f patternsfile datafile
Double pipe
Nice feature of double pipe "||":$ command1 || command2
This means that command2 will be run if the command1 fails.
Clickable links in Latex table of contents
- Use hyperref package:
- Set link colors:
} - Link only the page numbers and not the entire table of contents:
File extension in shell
- To print file's extension:
$ echo ${FILENAME#*.}
txt - To print file name without extension:
$ echo ${FILENAME%.*}
Tracking memory leaks
Very powerful tool for checking memory leaks and speeding up the applications:
- Valgrind (
- Valkyrie - front-end for Valgrind
- Callgrind (valgrind -tool=callgrind): CPU-time profiling tool
- kcachegrind - front-end for callgrind
User management in terminal
- Adding new user:
$useradd user
- Setting password:
$passwd user
- Assigning user to a group:
$usermod -a -G group user
If you have installed two versions of the application and you need to switch between them - there's a nice tool: update-alternatives. How to use it? Here's an example: switching between gcc-4.3 (and simultaneously g++-4.3) and gcc-4.4 (g++-4.4):
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.3 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.3
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.4 40 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.4
$ sudo update-alternatives --config gcc